Best Yoga Exercise for Weight Loss – The Best Solution to Cleanse Your Soul and Mind

My peace and happiness was in exile due to exhausting workload for past one month. I wanted to escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. I lived in a magnificent city, which is fast developing, but my busy schedules hardly allowed me to enjoy it. I feel overwhelmed by my busy schedules and I planned to write something on my favorite hobby, Yoga and Fitness. And I enjoy my hobbies doing yoga and meditation.

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Yoga And Meditation | Image Resource :

Yoga is not just about overstretching your body but its aim is to bring the mind, body and breathe together. Through this post I will be sharing some simple and easy tips on how one can improve his yoga practice. These tips are quite simple and very easy to adapt in life. I wanted to share some tips on why you should follow yoga to reduce your weight.

Some of the best yoga exercise for weight loss are practicing Surya Namskar, Chakra Padasana, Kundalini Yoga Stretch Pose, Bhujanga Asana, Locust Pose, Tree Pose, Camel Pose and Shav Asana.

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Yoga Poses | Image Resource :

Yoga cleanses your body and soul and at the same time gets rid of your extra body fat. It not only burns out your excess body fat but also gives you more energy and makes you healthy and fit.

Yoga doesn’t involve any side effect unlike other methods of weight reduction. As you know, body itself has a tendency to be perfect and it continuously tries to come to the state of perfection. Both yoga and ayurveda help your body to attain this state. In addition, unlike other chemicals it won’t create other problems while fixing your obese. It is more or less like natural healing.

Yoga therapy offers permanent solution to your concerns. It is doubtlessly not like using chemicals or instant medicines, which gives you immediate result, but within no time it will come back to the previous state once you stop using it. As long as you maintain the prescribed diet suggested by the instructor, yoga gives you best results.

Apart from reducing weight, yoga brings your body back to the normal condition solving any underlying cause of other sicknesses like emotional and bio-chemical. Moreover, it also helps you get optimum health. I recommend practicing yoga for a health life as there are no hard workouts or extreme exercise included in it.

Stay Fit with Fitness Apps – Choose What Suits You

Exercise is very important to maintain overall health and wellness. But for everyone, this fitness regimen is different. Some prefer moderate exercise, while others prefer vigorous physical activity. Running, walking, and trekking are all good, but what you like and what is suitable to you is equally important. So how can everyone follow the same physical fitness regimen?

In this tech savvy world, it’s not necessary to hire a fitness trainer and spend a huge sum of money on it. A more quick and accessible way (that I prefer) is to download a suitable fitness app, and just follow it. These apps can monitor your fitness or diet and also are a constant reminder to check and help in your progress. Here, I am listing a few apps that will help you to stay fit.


Tracking your daily workout activities is easier now with fitness apps | Image Resource :

  • Human ios: This app is most suitable for the beginners. Those who find hard to start with use this. This simple app encourages you to spend 30 minutes for your physical activity. This app offers encouragement by sharing your progress on a social networking site of your choice.
  • Argus: This app keeps a watch on you. As long as you carry your phone, this will track your activity, water and food consumption.
  • Accupedo: This app, on the other hand, is apt for avid walkers. This accurate pedometer can track your distance covered, calories burnt and time taken.
  • Cyclemeter: Most suitable for cyclist, this app can also be used by walkers, runners or other activities.
    Nike+basketball (ios): It is apt for basketball players. It can track your running speed, your jumps, and your body quickness. You can also share your stats.
  • Lose it: Most people want a regimen to lose weight. This app monitors your diet as well as physical activity. Enter your stats and it will tell you how many calories you have lost
  • Gorilla workout: This is an app suitable for those who prefer to stay at home and want to be in shape. This app starts off simple and levels high on progression.
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Fitness Apps | Image Resource :

There are many other apps too, where you need not spend too much, nor you have to hit the gym. All you need to do to stay fit and healthy is download a suitable app and follow it. So why waste time, get an app now. Happy exercising!!!

Meditation tips for beginners

Most of the people know the benefit of yoga. Therefore, majority of them want to try it out. However, as beginners, you don’t know where to start. So, I’m writing this post for beginners who want to practice yoga.

Meditation is not as simple as it seems and its easy to lose interest if not done correctly. Even though, it is difficult to master. Once you learn the right way of meditation, you will be in love with it. Meditation is all about connecting with your inner self. It helps you attain peace from within and makes you a better person. Before starting with my yoga tips, I would like to point out that patience is a must while meditating.


Meditation | Image Resource :

Here are 5 effective beginner’s tips for your daily meditation regime :

Practise Regularly :

As a beginner, it is important that you practice daily. You will not see the benefits of yoga in one days. You need to completely indulge yourself into the process and this may take time.

Morning Meditation:

Mornings are calmer and more peaceful. So I would recommend that you do a quick meditation every day after you wake up .

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Morning Meditation | Image Resource :

Be Open :

As a person meditating, it is important to be open about your mental and emotional state. Your body should be able consume and emit energy.

A lot of regretful things may have happened to you but it is important to let go of the past and forgive people. This will help you have better perception about your future.

Create the ambience :

Before starting meditation, it is important to set the mood right. Play some soothing music and light up few scented candles. This will help you while meditating.

Foot Soaks :

Have soothing foot soaks in the evening. This can be really effective in revitalizing your nervous system. This helps you sleep better and wake up fully recharged.

Control your thoughts :

You should stop thinking while you are meditating. Try to feel your body from within, concentrate on your breathing, bodily sensation, heart beats etc.
These are some of the tips that will help you stay interested in meditation. So try out meditation and be healthy mentally and physically fit.

Five basic tips for Fitness

1. Eat right

According every personal trainer, food is the most important part of a fitness strategy. You may want to lose or gain weight, no matter what your goal is; proper diet is the only way you could achieve it. Not having the right food while you workout will prevent you from meeting your objective. I prefer organic foods as well as a balanced diet which include complex carbohydrates, fats, complete proteins, fruits and vegetables.

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Fitness Food Plan | Image Resource :

2. Prepare in Advance

Start following your diet before you start to train. This will allow you to adapt to the food habit while you begin exercising. This will also help you in controlling your craving for food and help you maintain your health as well as improve your physique.

3. Eat Regularly

There is a misconception that to lose weight you have to skip meals or eat less. However, in reality, you can have your meals and become slim. Many expert trainers advise their clients to eat five times a day at an interval of 3 hours. These meals are 100% healthy and are carefully selected according the person’s body type. Such type of healthy eating habits has helped many in achieving their desired physique.

4. Analyse how much you eat

You may find it weird but it is fact that people who eat in a larger plate have 20 to 30 % more on their plates. This technique has proved to be very effective for me. There’s a saying in the fitness industry, “meat and chicken breasts, should be smaller than a palm”. Whereas, “spaghettis and pastas” should be smaller that a fist. So, start using smaller dishes.

5. Improve your Lifestyle

When you start a health regime, make sure to follow a healthy lifestyle. Apart from food, other aspects of your life are also important such as proper sleep, regular intake of water, avoiding habits such as alcohol and smoking.

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Body Fitness | Image Resource :

Practice Yoga At Home : Regain Peace and Happiness

People resort to yoga when they are stressed. Yoga is a great way to relieve your mind and stay rejuvenated. Many people wish to practice yoga at home. They need the right motivation to start off. Here are some simple tips and suggestions. It will help you practice yoga within the four walls. It will help you feel peaceful and happy.

Select a Peaceful Corner of the House

It is vital to have a separate place for you to practice Yoga. This helps you feel free and peaceful. The place you choose should be free from clutter and mess. It should be a place that is bright and airy. Avoid dark and dingy corners of rooms. The place should have circulation of fresh air.

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Home Yoga Practice | Image Resource :

Begin By Setting Genuine Goals

Many people fail to pursue yoga as they cannot devote time every day. They start with unrealistic goals and fail to adhere to these goals. This may demotivate them. They finally refrain from pursuing Yoga. You must set logical goals. Make sure you live up to the set goals. This will help you attain the goals you have set. It is a great way to boost your confidence too.

Fix a Schedule for Yoga in Your Routine

It is vital to have a fixed schedule for daily Yoga practice. You need to chalk out some time from your routine schedule to practice yoga. This helps your body to feel fresh. It is best to practice Yoga in the morning. The morning hours and the early rays of the sun make you feel at peace.

Benefits of Yoga
You must know the benefits of Yoga before you practice Yoga. There are multiple benefits that tell you Yoga is ideal for your mind and body.
Here we have listed a couple of the most common benefits of Yoga:

  • Yoga makes you feel fresh and rejuvenated.
  • It helps you reduce the stress in the mind. Stress is the key to several mental disorders and physical health problems. Yoga helps you avoid these problems.
  • Yoga helps you take time out for yourself.
  • Yoga helps you get control over your emotion.
  • It is a key to healthy living.
practice yoga at home

Practice Yoga At Home | Image Resource :